Hiring a DevOps Engineer: What You Need to Know

It’s no exaggeration to say that DevOps engineers are one of the most in-demand positions that even the most experienced IT staffing services find difficult to fill in this age. Most of the difficulty stems from the fact that the job is a relatively recent creation spurred by cloud computing’s widespread use. 

What are DevOps Engineers?

To understand why DevOps Engineers are such a rare breed, we must revisit our understanding of the term “DevOps.” DevOps is a combination of the terms “development” and “operations.” As a development strategy, DevOps blurs the line between software development and IT solutions. 

DevOps adheres to the concept of Continuous Integration and Continuous Development (CI/CD), which makes for a more seamless user experience. Companies who deploy updates using the CI/CD method can deploy several updates in a day without the need for their users to download anything or take further action. This minimizes disruptions and increases the stability of a given platform or product. 

DevOps practitioners allow organizations to create and seamlessly release regular and cumulative updates for their products by sitting between development and deployment. This contrasts with the traditional method of rolling out fewer but more significant chunks of updates—which adds a layer of complexity for end-users. 

Why is it difficult to hire a DevOps Engineer? 

As alluded to earlier, the role of a DevOps Engineer is a relatively recent development. With cloud computing coming to widespread use because of improved internet speeds, it became possible for software development and deployment to occur concurrently. 

Traditionally, the lines between these stages are distinct. Most of the coding was left for software developers, while the people more attuned to system administration worked in deployment. DevOps’ emergence decreased the need for sysadmin and operator roles.

However, even as DevOps has become more of a necessity than a novelty, there is still a shortage of individuals who have the requisite experience needed to be true DevOps engineers. This is because there simply hasn’t been much time to train them. This makes hiring DevOps engineers challenging for even the most well-connected IT staffing agencies. 

How to hire a DevOps engineer? 

It’s worth noting that the operative term here is challenging, not impossible. Skills can be developed, and experience can be attained through continued practice. This means that hiring a DevOps engineer can be about looking for “soft skills” as much as it is also about technical expertise.

DevOps engineers need to be adept at collaboration and communication because they have to work closely with existing software development and operations teams. They also need to be creative in looking for solutions to problems. 

When hiring for DevOps, it’s a good idea to look inward at your existing team members. People from IT operations can make good candidates because they focus on solving problems and typically have had to develop a way to juggle multiple tasks effectively. However, don’t snub your software developers either, because they often possess creative mindsets and are always producing original ideas. Whenever possible, look for team members who possess the right blend of all these attributes and give them access to relevant training to develop their skills. 

If you must look outside of your organization, look for a good blend of technical and people skills. It’s best to look for jacks of all trades—particularly, those who have a demonstrated ability to learn quickly and apply seemingly-unrelated knowledge from different fields to their work. While they should always have the requisite automation and technical skills, they should also be proficient in human skills.  


Hiring DevOps Engineers is difficult because there simply aren’t that many of them yet. Roles don’t just appear out of thin air; it will take some time for people to receive adequate training to fit the job description perfectly. Therefore, it becomes crucial for IT staffing companies to recognize potential just as much as expertise and consider people who have the requisite skills but may need to be groomed to the position. 

Are you looking to hire a competent DevOps Engineer but don’t know where to start looking? Technical Paradigm is an IT staffing company providing innovative workforce solutions to companies worldwide. Besides connecting talented individuals to jobs, we also offer digital marketing IT outsourcing services, CMS design and support, and more. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you!

Top 3 Hiring Challenges You May Face Amid COVID-19 Pandemic

Players in the IT industry have been facing significant hiring challenges for the past years. As the field is a rapidly evolving one, it needs a constant influx of tech talents with the right skills and the right attitude. Unfortunately, there doesn’t seem to be enough individuals to answer this ever-increasing demand for IT workers. 

What made matters worse was the emergence of the global health crisis during the first half of 2020. Aside from making hiring talents more difficult than it already was, the COVID-19 pandemic presented new hurdles that organizations must overcome. 

Although most hirings have been put on hold, some are actively looking for the talent they need despite the outbreak. If you are in a similar situation, the best way to prepare for these hurdles is to first understand what they are. 

In the sections below, you will learn some of the hiring challenges that you may encounter: 

1. Attracting Qualified Applicants 

As mentioned earlier, players in the industry have been struggling to attract qualified candidates for many years. The technical requirements for key positions are evolving at a rapid pace, yet there are not enough available tech talents to fill these roles. 

Let’s not forget the uncertainties brought about by the pandemic. With workers being laid off or put on furlough left and right, those who have managed to keep their full-time positions may be reluctant to undergo a job change. 

2. Holding Face-to-Face Interviews 

Before hiring an IT talent, you naturally want to make sure that you’ve got the right person. To do this, you look beyond their CVs and other documents. You also want to invite them over for interviews and even technical tests.

However, the travel restrictions and stay-at-home measures that are still in place may make this difficult, maybe even impossible for the time being. 

The good news is that there are video conferencing technologies you can use today to hold your interviews. Furthermore, you will find that utilizing these technologies can make it easier for you to schedule dialogues and even deliver a better hiring process. 

3. The Need for Relocation 

If you do find a qualified applicant and successfully hold an online interview with them, there are a few more remaining hurdles. 

Particularly, you may need this worker to relocate to a place closer to your headquarters. 

However, it pays to remember that relocating is already an overwhelming endeavor on its own. Relocating amid a pandemic can be even more intimidating. On top of that, some quarantine measures may make this move impossible at the moment. Not a lot of people will be willing to move to a new location in these sensitive times either. 

To overcome this challenge, you can turn these roles into remote positions for the meantime. Doing so not only makes it easier for you to attract skilled workers but also brings various benefits to your productivity, such as improved efficiency, boosted morale, and lower overhead costs. 


The IT industry has already been facing significant hiring challenges before the outbreak of the novel coronavirus. With the emergence of the global health crisis, companies may find it harder to successfully attract and hire qualified talents. The bright side is that it has become harder—but not impossible! As long as you craft the right strategies and adapt to the changes brought about by the pandemic, you will be able to attract highly skilled IT professionals without much problem. 

Struggling with your IT staffing in Chicago, IL? We’ve got you covered! At Technical Paradigm, we take a strategic approach to your workforce needs and match candidates with your exact requirements. Get in touch with us today to know how we can help your firm find the right talents. 

Ways to Bridge the Generation Gap in a Mature Workforce

According to research, one of the rapidly growing segments in the labor market today is older workers. By 2024, there will be an older age range in the workforce at 55 years old or older. For this reason, many companies need to develop better strategies for training, recruiting, and managing employees when the inrush of older workers occurs. 

Thankfully, people are more open about hiring a diverse age range of employees, believing that they can contribute their skills and talent to the company. Stereotypical beliefs that older workers are difficult to train and less productive have been debunked. Many have shown that hiring older workers has many benefits since they have many experiences to share to help develop your company.

For example, IT companies will experience an influx of older workers in the next few years. And because of this, these companies are developing strategic IT staffing methods to hire the best team for the years to come. 

If you’re curious about how you can develop a mature workforce for the near future, keep reading. This article will share different ways to bridge the generation gap and accommodate older workers in your company. Let’s get to it!

1. Be open to retraining your employees

Sadly, many companies hesitate to invest in proper training and development programs for older people, thinking they’ll retire soon. However, you should know that retraining your good workers is cost-effective and a better investment than recruiting new members. 

When you retrain your older employees, you allow them to sharpen their skills again and prepare them to adapt to the new trends in the industry quickly. This type of investment will decrease your turnover rate, saving you loads on training and recruitment expenses. 

2. Make work more meaningful and purposeful 

When people get older, smaller things in life matter more. So when you have more senior workers, you’ll notice that pay and benefits matter less, and to them, meaningful work matters more. They thrive when they know that they have a sense of purpose in a company.

By creating a meaningful work environment for older employees, they’ll know that you acknowledge their efforts and that you can use their experience in further developing your business. You can do this by setting goals and allowing them to execute projects to achieve them. 

3. Recruit older employees

Most companies miss out on opportunities of finding better talent by ignoring older applicants. Remind your HR team and management to let go of any bias and stop discriminating against applicants based on their age. Besides that, remind them to forget the stereotypes connected to older people, such as having challenges with tech-related tasks, because that’s not entirely true.

If you have an IT company, it’s always best to have a strategic IT staffing method when your HR team needs to recruit employees. Your HR team can start by letting go of biases, changing their job description tone and language, and completely disregarding an applicant’s age.


Knowing these three essential tips to bridge the generation gap in a workforce, you’ll be able to create a working environment that’s welcoming to all cultures, genders, and ages. Having an open work environment will allow your employees to fully be themselves, making them more productive and learning from each other based on experiences. 

By developing strategic IT staffing methods, you’ll find the best employees for your team, no matter the age. So be more welcome to older workers; you’ll be surprised by the fresh approaches and knowledge they can bring to the table!

Technical Paradigm is an IT job staffing agency that offers recruiting-as-a-service to fill IT roles for startups and large corporations. Build your ideal IT team today!

3 Ways to Make It Impossible for Your Top Performers to Resign

Thanks to numerous lucrative job opportunities in the IT industry, top performers have no trouble jumping from role to role when it benefits them the most. Although many of them may say that they’re taking on new jobs because they offer higher salaries and better benefits, many leave because of boss behavior. In short, great managers who engage employees are a significant factor in determining whether top talent stays in the company or goes off to seek greener pastures. 

The truth is that you can’t gauge a team member’s engagement only by their performance. They may have the potential to be a top performer, but they simply aren’t engaged enough and feel miserable at your business. On the other hand, your top talents may be performing well, but they feel incredibly unhappy. 

Unfortunately, replacing your top performers is an expensive and time-consuming process. To keep the revolving doors still, here are three ways to improve employee engagement and make it almost impossible for your top talent to resign:

1. Identify the Best of the Best

You must first figure out which employees you’d fight hard to keep in your company. Sometimes, it goes beyond performance and results; identify the employees that keep working hard even after everyone else gives up. Look for the team member that prioritizes brand reputation and quality output above all else. Your top performers also likely remain calm under pressure, allowing them to make smart and confident decisions in times of crisis. These people are far beyond average, and you’ll want them on your team for as long as possible.

Separating the wheat from the chaff will help you focus on retaining these employees and keeping them happy, which will bring long-term results to your team. Strategic IT staffing means always nurturing your top talent, so they’re more likely to stay instead of pursuing other opportunities while taking vital fellow employees with them.

2. Share the Names of Your Top Performers with Your Leadership

Once you have a list of your best talent, share it with your company’s executive leadership. Highlight their strengths and how they’ve helped the company achieve its goals. You must also explain that if they think any of these performers become disengaged, they must alert you immediately. You can then set up a meeting with the employee and relevant support to make some adjustments, keeping the employee loyal and engaged. 

Another practice you can implement is to schedule check-ins with your top performers and senior executives twice a year. Such meetings will help your employees’ networks and career progress while reducing any chances of them wanting to leave, especially without warning.

3. Act Fast When a Talented Worker Tries to Resign

Even though you’ll focus on keeping your most excellent in-house talent, you must also keep an eye out for anyone who seems like they want to leave. If a talented employee submits a resignation letter, be sure to get them in a meeting with a senior executive within 24 hours. Do everything you can to convince the employee to stay, such as providing concrete solutions to any pain points they might have from working in your company. 

Finding a creative way to resolve their grievances will help you keep your top performers while saving money from hiring a replacement. The faster you act, the more likely you are to retain your strongest performers. It also shows them how much your company values them, which will encourage them to think twice about leaving. 


Every business is dependent on its top talent to succeed. Having a high attrition rate is expensive for a company in both productivity and cost, so keeping your strong performers is necessary. Fortunately, with these three tips, you can retain highly engaged employees for several years. 

Technical Paradigm offers IT staffing solutions for startups and large corporations that need the best talent available. We work as a recruiting-as-service, providing workforce solutions to power the growth of our clients and candidates. Check out our portal today for your next top talent!

How to Maximize Strategic IT Staffing for Your Business – Our Guide

Information technology staffing, often abbreviated as IT staffing, is essentially a specialized area wherein companies outsource the hiring of employees for their digital needs. This can be any number of people, from a single contract consultant to a full-time role, all the way to an entire team of IT professionals for a long-term project.

IT staffing companies take the sizable task and stress from human resources, who no longer have to bear the burden of going through dozens, if not hundreds, of applicants. They will thus be able to focus better on staffing the other areas of a company or organization.

Strategic IT Staffing

Given the nature and importance of information technology for business, hiring is just part of it. It’s important to take a proactive stance and have a strategy when it comes to staffing. In case of advanced technical challenges or losing a team member that played a key role, there won’t be disruptions or issues. Employing the right people can not only ensure that work is streamlined no matter what, but also ensures that the team runs at optimal levels. 

There are several ways to make the most of staffing strategically for your business’ information technology needs. 

  • Ask questions – While it is important to have full faith in the services you outsource, there is nothing wrong with clarifying. A good information technology staffing firm will be more than willing to answer any questions you may have to set your mind at ease. They will be more than willing to work closely with you to ensure you get the expert individual or team your business needs.
  • Be aware of your overall team – Taking stock of your team’s current members, even if they’re not in the IT department, will help you build a clearer picture of your present workforce. This way, you hire people who are highly skilled and will fit well into the culture and environment of the workplace. This will help prevent possible personnel issues.
  • Get specific – Knowing exactly who you need to get the job done is vital. There are several specialties in IT. These include cybersecurity engineers, data quality managers, help desk technicians, network systems administrators, programmers, software engineers, systems analysts, and technical support specialists.
  • Know when to adapt – Just because you’ve already hired a set group of people, whether short-term or long-term, doesn’t mean changes can’t be made down the line. IT shifts quite a bit as technology advances, and so will your company’s needs. If you suddenly have a big project or a spike in small ones that require more manpower, increasing staff is the best option. Likewise, should the market slow down or issues arise that require downsizing, you can decrease staff.


A huge benefit of making the most of the strategic staffing in your IT department is that it takes a load off of your existing employees. Aside from HR, anyone who was previously handling digital matters will now either have more help, or can be free to work on something else altogether.

If you’re looking for IT staffing services you can trust, reach out to Technical Paradigm today. Whether you’re a startup or large corporation, we’d love to help fill your IT roles!

Our Ultimate Guide to Acing Virtual Job Interviews

Because of the recent global pandemic, most business operations have moved online, including job searching and job interviews. Since the COVID-19 pandemic requires us to practice social distancing, many personal and business practices have moved to the digital and virtual world. 

Although we’re months into the pandemic, meeting with people face-to-face is still quite impossible and unsafe. And as long as the virus is still around, virtual meetings, like virtual job interviews, will continue to be the new type of normal. 

Most of us know what we should do in a pre-pandemic job interview setting, but what do you do when it’s a virtual interview? If you have one scheduled soon, don’t worry; we’ve got you! 

Whether you applied in an IT job staffing agency or whatever industry you dipped your toes in, this article is the ultimate guide you need to help you ace the virtual job interview coming up. So grab a cup of coffee, a pen, and a notebook, and let’s get started!

Do digital digging and extra research

Since you won’t benefit from experiencing the building and atmosphere of the company you applied for, you must use the extra time to digitally dig and learn more about the company and your interviewer. 

You can do this by going to the company’s website and work your way through the team, their vision and mission, and even look at photos of their facilities. With that information, you’ll get an idea of their vibe and how they operate. 

Besides that, you want to look for articles related to the company, their portfolios, and even your interviewer’s LinkedIn profile. This will give you a sense of who you’re talking to and find points of connection to make your job interview flow seamlessly. 

For example, if you applied for an IT job through an IT job staffing agency, searching for the latest IT trends will give you that edge to help you nail that interview. 

Ensure your devices and internet connection are working properly

In the pre-pandemic world, you’ll need to travel for job interviews to find the company building and make sure that your commute time won’t make you run late. In the digital world, it’s quite similar. 

When you have an online job interview, it’s still crucial that you make on-time and that you’re prepared. You can do this by setting up your devices, such as your laptop, webcam, and mic, an hour before your interview. Besides that, make sure your internet connection is stable. 

Additionally, you want to make sure that you have all the details you need, such as who’s calling who, which platform will you be using, and if it’s an international call, whose timezone are you following. These logistics are essential to ensure a smooth and successful job interview. 

Be polite and attentive

Your demeanor and personality change when you meet people for job interviews face-to-face. Your body language, responses, and tone changes, and these are factors that you should carry to your virtual interviews as well. 

Since there’s a digital boundary between you and the recruiter, there may be limited access to this type of stimulus, making it harder for you to focus and stay alert. This is why you need to make a conscious effort to be more attentive during the interview. 

You’ll want to avoid multitasking and pay close attention to the interview itself. Notice the tone of your voice, volume, and speech pattern so that you’re communicating to the interviewer clearly. 

Besides that, make sure you’re conversing and not rambling. Remember to answer questions directly, keeping in mind that time is valuable, especially your interviewer’s time. 

If your camera is on, make sure you maintain eye contact, show that you are engaged and interested, fix your posture, and smile. By doing this, you’re showing the recruiter that you’re professional and eager to learn more and that you’re interested in this job posting. 


Doing interviews virtually can be quite intimidating, especially if you’re doing this for the first time. But by remembering these tips, you’ll be able to ace that job interview. So go hunt for your dream IT job, search IT staffing companies, and nail that virtual job interview!

If you’re looking for an IT job staffing agency, Technical Paradigm offers recruiting-as-a-service to fill IT roles for startups and large corporations. Find an IT job or look for your ideal IT talent today!

How to Effectively Vet and Hire Promising IT Candidates – Our Guide

Technology is advancing at a rapid pace, seemingly leaving smaller businesses behind. As the IT skill market continues to tighten, SMEs are taking on the challenge of recruitment. To maintain their competitive edge, startups are incorporating sophisticated technologies and programs with roles that need desperate filling. If you’re having trouble attracting the right IT candidates, here are four infallible methods for employing an effective IT staffing system. 

Method 1 – Narrow and Target Your Search

Most IT professionals will liken scouting candidates on job sites to a battle royale. Remember, you’re competing with hundreds of thousands of highly-equipped firms—you aren’t always likely to be the first pick of the bunch. 

Thus, you’re going to want to start vetting passive candidates with complementary skills. Amid today’s tumultuous market, employees prioritize job security and won’t likely abandon permanent roles to pursue a temporary contract offer. The act itself is challenging and may require the help of an IT staffing agency. 

Method 2 – Focus on Potential, Not Perfection

No one is perfect—that much is true. However, it doesn’t mean to belittle candidates who are less than ideal. No one individual will boast every skill you’re after. If you’ve been neglecting high-caliber candidates because they aren’t an all-in-one option, you’re likely putting too much pressure on your search. 

Don’t just zero in on skills—consider candidates that will positively contribute to your work culture and demonstrate soft skills that can improve your team’s overall performance. Whatever you feel an applicant is lacking might be something they can train for in the future. 

Remember, learning is a perpetual process that doesn’t end when you walk up the stage and receive your diploma. The same principle applies to those part of your hiring process.

Method 3 – Think Outside of the Box

Asking a prospect why they want to work for you and what makes them stand out is a tired interview model. While necessary, consider asking questions that will better reveal who they are and their innovation potential. Ask: 

  • Name a once-successful company that is now defunct. What do you believe went wrong, and how could they have performed better?
  • How do you adapt to changes within the industry?
  • What about your current role excites you the most?
  • Outline a successful project that you were a part of. 
  • Discuss your ideal company culture and workplace environment that you thrive in. 

Method 4 – Always Prepare for the Future

As technology solutions advance, there isn’t much sign of them slowing down. If your business relies on top IT skills, vet candidates for the long haul. Future-proof your tech team by prioritizing innovation and one’s ability to grow. By nurturing prospects for the long run, they become more likely to contribute effectively to scaling your business up. 

At Technical Paradigm, we understand that technology is no longer “nice to have” but a must for success. Our IT staffing solutions are adaptable, timely, and cost-effective. When it comes to the IT market, time is of the essence, and recruiters are ready to take the weight off your shoulders. Get in touch now to find out more!

Hiring IT Roles? Here Are 4 Reasons to Use a Staffing Agency

Companies looking to hire new IT employees may have a challenging time scouting for the best staff, considering that they’re going up against competitors who are doing just the same. When searching for potential new-hires, it can be hard to narrow down your list—especially if you don’t know what exactly you’re looking for.

By having a recruitment company do it for you, you won’t have to worry about the particulars of the hiring process. Instead of going out of your way to spend hours going over the candidates, you can focus on your business as usual and let IT staffing services handle everything for you!

That way, you can still get the right people for the job without having to deal with the stressors related to recruitment tasks. Keep reading below to find out why you need a recruitment company for your hiring needs.  

They Know the Right Candidates

When it comes to depending on a recruitment company, they stand as the middleman for employers looking for IT staffing solutions and employees looking for opportunities. They can help you find the best candidates, as they know each job hunter’s capabilities and specialties.

If you’re aiming for a new employee with specific talents, like cloud computing or AI, you can inform your staffing agency of the particulars to streamline their search. That way, they can provide you with the right person who can accomplish your company’s needs.       

They Help Promote Job Positions

Whenever companies post available job positions online, they don’t always receive applications that cater exactly to what they want. That’s because the job advertisement couldn’t reach the right people who have their preferred expertise.

With an IT staffing agency, they can efficiently recruit people who can best fit your job description. They have reliable connections, both old and new, allowing them to get in touch with professionals for the newly opened roles that these people might want to consider.  

They Handle the Interview Process

When it comes to hiring employees, it’s the job of an IT staffing agency to make the employer’s life easy by managing the interview procedure for you. They will begin by initiating phone interviews to shortlist the applicants and retain only those who prove what they can do better.

If you have specific requirements for an IT employee you’re looking to hire, a recruitment company can focus only on those who can fulfill your company’s needs. They can also do a quick background check of the employer when necessary to ensure there will be no issues once they’re hired.

They Deal with Salary Negotiations

It’s essential to know that the salary of any job can influence the chances of an employee accepting an offer, regardless of whether it’s a position they’re aiming to get. As much as possible, you want to avoid choosing candidates, offering them the role, only to lose them entirely during the salary negotiation.

If you rely on IT staffing firms, they can help you meet in the middle and make a firm compromise with the employee you want until you reach a mutual agreement. That way, both parties can benefit from the decision without losing anything in return.


Seeking the assistance of a staffing agency can help you manage your time wisely and allow you to focus on more important things you need to prioritize, as far as your business is concerned. They know the right candidates, help promote your job positions, handle the interview process, and deal with salary negotiations—all for the benefit of your company!

Are you looking for IT staffing agencies near you to provide your business with the highly-skilled employees it needs to support it? Technical Paradigm is a recruitment platform for employers and employees looking for great opportunities. Get in touch with us today to start finding the talent you want! 

Communication Skills to Remember When Hiring an IT Specialist

When it comes to hiring the best IT specialists, it involves knowing they have the right skills to benefit your business. It would help if they can showcase reliable technical skills and practical communication skills. But it’s not always possible for a person to have both traits and it will only give IT staffing solutions a difficult time trying to find the best candidate.

In most cases, you will be forced to decide between hiring an IT professional with excellent technical talents or one that has a great knack for communication among their peers, supervisors, and clients. It will ultimately depend on the requirements of your business and the available position that needs to be filled.  

Ultimately, a person with efficient communication skills is highly essential to the success of your company because they can lead the departments and ensure everyone is familiar with the technical part of the business. Keep reading below to find out what to remember when it comes to hiring the right tech specialist.  

Effective Listening Skills

An IT specialist who provides hands-on technical solutions should also learn how to listen effectively. If they are given tasks by upper departments, instead of just going with the flow and agreeing to all the orders given to them, it will help to engage in conversation and provide queries as to why they need to make the requests. 

If there are any questions, an IT professional should strive to ask for clarification before performing the task at hand. That way, they can address the issues accordingly because they understand what needs to be done, accomplish the requirements, and come up with better solutions.

When it comes to strategic IT staffing, it’s essential to set up a job interview with candidates to test their listening and engagement abilities. A recruiter can observe how well they answer questions, ask follow-up inquiries, and whether they are genuinely listening.

Knows How to Write Legibly

Aside from knowing how to listen appropriately, an IT specialist should also know how to explain themselves in writing. Since they will be in charge of tech projects that include complex systems, maintenance, and updates, they should know how to relay their message effectively.

Their excellent technical skills should be written down on paper, striving to avoid using technical terms so that your other employees can understand them. It would help if they provided clear instructions, allowing everyone else to follow suit and learn from an IT professional’s concise explanation.

For those looking to seek the help of IT staffing firms to locate the best IT expert with potential, they can determine an IT’s written capabilities by taking a look at their application. Examining a cover letter is helpful because you can take a look at their personality and skills.  

Knows How to Communicate Well

An IT specialist is someone you can count on not only for complex tasks, but they should also know how to speak well with their peers. Since they will most likely be proposing ideas and finalizing tech plans to groups of people, they should know how to explain what’s going on.

While you can find most IT professionals busy with computers, it would also be best for them to explain the technical side of the business carefully, so everyone is on the same page. Having productive presentational skills can help IT experts lead the company effectively and allow things to run smoothly.

An IT staffing agency near you can readily assist your needs and find you the best candidate who can observe their speaking skills during a phone call or face-to-face interview. They will be asked a set of questions involving behavioral, situational, and practical circumstances to check how well they can handle the position they’re in and explain themselves accordingly.


When it comes to choosing between hiring an IT specialist who can handle all technical-related concerns precisely or someone who portrays dependable communication skills, it’s best to consider the goals of your business and the requirements of the position. At the end of the day, the nature of their job is still what’s at stake. But when it comes to hiring an IT professional with excellent communication skills, they should know how to listen effectively, write legibly, and speak well.

Are you looking for an IT staffing company in Chicago, IL, to help you discover the best IT specialists? Technical Paradigm is a recruiting agency that helps start-up companies and large corporations looking for commendable IT employees. Get in touch with us today so we can start hiring your next employee! 

When to Stay in Your Job: 4 Signs You Have a Great IT Employer

Finding job satisfaction is one of the biggest struggles in today’s workforce. Sadly, only 49 percent of American workers claim that they are satisfied with their current job. When things do not go well or when their jobs do not meet their expectations, many people start to focus on the negative facts, develop the desire to leave, and look for new opportunities. 

While life is all about finding your purpose and serving accordingly, sometimes, workers just need to be reminded that there is no such thing as a perfect job. All work is complicated, and each job comes with its fair share of challenges, especially in IT.

Before you say that you hate your job, check whether your employer meets the following four criteria. If they do, you are most likely in a great working environment. 

#1 – Your career is their priority

A job does not always equate to an IT career. A career refers to your long-term professional growth as an IT specialist. It should make you feel fulfilled and rewarding. According to the same PRC research, only 51 percent of Americans see their job as a career. For the other unsatisfied half, the treatment they get from work is what they mostly blame. 

A great employer knows how to support their employees’ growth. They listen when they offer you a career path. If your company has this mindset from the start, all supervisors and managers will automatically act as your mentor. They will ask you what you want to achieve over the years, and they will help you reach the goals you set. This kind of employer does a quarterly or yearly assessment of your performance. It showcases their focus and dedication in providing you with what you truly want you to thrive and succeed. 

#2 – They provide a great working culture

Employers who go above and beyond to make their employees happy are exceptional employers. This is possible in various ways, such as when employers provide you with bonding opportunities with your co-workers, like board games, themed lunches, bowling competitions, and the like. 

Positive work culture is also achievable if you are free to speak your mind comfortably when you have issues or a new idea. If you are comfortable working with your co-workers and feel engaged with them throughout the day, that is a sign of great working culture. 

#3 – They provide you with a pleasant work environment

An employee becomes more productive and successful when they are in a great work environment. No company is perfect, and not everyone can build a dream office overnight. Still, a great employer will do their best to provide their employees with an excellent, healthy, and refreshing work setup. That means slowly updating or improving their current work environment. 

If your office somehow has an “Instagrammable” vibe common in many IT offices, and if your friends often refer to it as a “cool office,” then you are probably in great hands.

#4 – They give you the proper pay and benefits 

All these mentioned perks will not matter if your employer does not pay you appropriately for the skills, experience, and work you provide. The best companies will always pay the right fee and provide benefits to give you a proper work-life balance.

Every company differs in this aspect, but see to it that whatever your employer gives you matches your priorities. Some employers provide perks, such as flexible working hours, remote working days, discounted meals, free coffee or snacks, and more. Any of these, plus your salary, shows how much your employer cares and values you. 


If your employer meets all of these criteria, consider yourself lucky! Not all employers value their employees as much as yours does. Before you leave your job, make sure to find a job provider that will also give you the previously mentioned benefits and more. If your employer does not supply you with any of the four things mentioned above, maybe it is time for you to look for a better setup. 

If you are looking for IT jobs near you, start browsing job opportunities here at Technical Paradigm. We are more than an IT staffing firm; we make sure that you find a job that matches your needs. Submit your resume now.